Let me start off by saying what a WONDERFUL school Bubbling Wells is! The campus is gorgeous, the staff and teachers welcomed me with open arms, and the kids were some of the most inquisitive and well behaved children that I've met in a long time
I had the rare opportunity to visit with around 250 kids. I had 30 minutes in every classroom to discuss my road to winning Miss California International, as well as the importance of community service. After every speech we did a question/answer segment....and I had some of the coolest questions from various students!! Two of my favorites were, "Are you proud of yourself?" and "Do you have a professional makeup artist?" I can absolutely say that 30 minutes in each class was nowhere near enough time!!!
I also was invited to attend their monthly assembly to hand out various certificates, including honor roll, attendance, and student of the month. I would like to say a special thank you to Mr. Davis for accompanying me from class to class. Also, thank you so much to the students, faculty, staff, and Principal of Bubbling Wells for making this such a special day for me!